Farm Wife Guru

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Real harvest advice.

Harvest tips from the farm wife point of view.

Grace, Patience, Empathy, Gratitude and a lot more Grace.

Harvest is such a wonderful time of year. But it brings with it so many different feelings: happiness in some areas, defeat in others, stress, fatigue and ongoing emotional swings.

I could give you all the hacks in the world, but I can honestly say your attitude is the one thing that will make the busy season go swell or go to hell.

-Your farmer is stressed and tired. 2022 has been anything but easy, offer him some grace and empathy.

This is your life together and sometimes we as women have to be the one who says ok today I am droppin the rope, i am not going to let the small stuff shake me today. I am not going to let the frustrations from the field affect my attitude towards my kids. I am not going to take out my loneliness on my husband. Drop the rope during harvest.

Offer some big grace to not only others but to yourself. To drop the rope means to not tug at the current fight or thing upsetting you, it means realize there are bigger issues in this world and this is not a fight you need to fight today, drop your end of the rope. It is not giving up, it is not a loss. It is a gain that you have offered someone the grace and humility that God offers us daily. It’s a win.

-Grace, with yourself. On the days we fall short, and we will fall short friends. Grace with your kids. The emotions they experience in school, and the busy seasons of “chicken with your head cut off” times. Grace & Empathy with your spouse, who in reality experiences way more in a day than we will ever know. The mental health behind this industry and the day to day of a Farmer is ALOT. So much happens in a day that is defeating, and sometimes it’s hard to see the light in that tunnel. Be the good in the day. Offer a welcoming home to end his day, an appreciative text, a small token of something to brighten the day. You really do MATTER in this role of wife and care taker.

-Patience with the tiny people in your life. Understand they go through a lot of emotions in a day and don’t always handle being tired the best. They may throw tantrums, be hateful, fight you and act out. But they are just trying to adjust to the busy season just like you are momma. Offer them your patience. Show them love and kindness instead of letting their 5 minutes of bad ruin the evening.-Understand things during this time of year will fall short. Your home, your yard, your garden, your book work, your daily baths for kids or nicely trimmed fingernails, big extravagant suppers. The laundry and dishes may pile up. The floors may go un mopped and your vehicle will yes become a war zone. It will all fall short, no matter how hard you bust your butt. And it will all be ok. Let it go. Let go of the idea that you can be perfect in this season of life. Plans will change, and you letting go of the idea that perfection is needed will ease your mind friend. We are all falling short in some area of your lives, believe that! Accept the change, accept the busy, accept you are never in control of much anyway!

-Gratitude. Did you know a grateful heart can change your perspective on any given situation in about 5 minutes? When you find yourself frustrated with a situation or feeling anxious and overwhelmed, stop and take three big breaths, fill your lungs all the way and slow yourself down. Think of what this season is really for. It’s a time to be thankful for the things you didn’t have to go through, a time to appreciate what you have and soak up every little moment or sunset from the field. Some people pray for the blessings we experience everyday.

-On the hardest days, please understand another momma or farm wife out there is going through it and living it too. Take heart in knowing tomorrow is always a fresh slate to rise and shine or rise and whine friend. And if you ever need a chat or to vent, I'm here. Don’t forget the power of your prayers during this time. As a farmer, mom and wife experiencing an extreme drought and minimal harvest, clinging to Gods promise and his visions for our family tighter than ever.

If i could give you one tip. It would be to buy the book Grace not Perfection by Emily Ley .That saved my mental health 3 years ago as I sobbed from the grain cart tractor with two tired kids that my house was a wreck and I had forgotten to start the crock pot that morning. I promise we all fall short.

“True joy isn’t found in having it all together. The good life is rich, slow, real, and flawed.”  -Emily Ley 

My biggest harvest prayers to all our farming families out there! God bless you.

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