Farm Wife Guru

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Ask a Farmer Movement

This is a message I received today from a follower, I immediately reached out to a fellow farmer of Almonds for an answer. I got a response and was able to get her a detailed answer in minutes.

There’s always more to any story in life. This is very true for every crop grown in America Agriculture.

Farmers are resourceful and whole heartedly believe in sustainability and improving the environment, soil and the crops we grow. We look to do better every single year. Farmers find ways to turn what we have into more.

Before making any assumptions about any foods you love and enjoy (or even some you don’t like me, I’m allergic to almonds) please understand some of the info you are subject to isn’t always 100% accurate. Perfect example was a message I received today about almonds. I’m so proud this individual reached out and i could turn what was thought to be fear based reason to stop eating almonds when there was so much more behind the story of the water usage for an almond to grow!

So even though my family grows corn, wheat and sorghum: that doesn’t mean I’m not here to represent all parts of Agriculture and to find these answer for you.

So please. Ask a farmer, we are more than happy and willing to offer the real facts and more for you. Even if we don’t Farm what you have questions on I promise we all are resourceful and can find someone who can answer that for you

Proud to represent so many sectors of Ag.


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