Because you typed Courage.

Hey! I'm proud of you for typing out courage. If you are anything like me, admitting my faith was not strong or that I was lacking in so many way of even understanding what faith is was really hard form me. But the minute I admitted it, things just got better. Here are a few of my current favorite things.

1.) This podcast episode is really really worded well. Listen to it when you get a chance.

2.) This is my modern(ish) bible, with extra inserts and explanations on each chapter.

3.) In case you need a good bible storybook for your kids!

4.) A podcast episode on praying with your kids.

5.) I want you to think of prayer as something you get to do, not something you have to do or only do when times are tough. A great way to approach prayer is:

A C T S and that can be explained really well here.

6.) IF you feel so called and have had a feeling of pull to attend a rest and relax retreat, Cultivate is now open for registration and I would love to dig deeper into Gods word, your bible, faith and so so much more planned that weekend.

7.) Start trying to get into your bible. It is intimidating no doubt. But I really suggest starting in 1 John and reading it through, its a fairly simple short chapter!

I really suggest looking up, highlighting and reading through these verses today:

Proverbs 3:5

Ephesians 2:8–9

Joshua 1:9

Philippians 4:6

& Lastly the devotion that literally got me through Letty's NICU stay. It is so good, short, sweet and reflective.

A big suggestion I have for you is open up. Find a mentor, someone to guide you or teach you on the truths in the bible. Do a bible study, find a group to sit and work through it with. Finding a mentor really really opened up my opportunity to build a relationship I longed for but had no clue HOW or WHERE to start.

I just want to pray for you today. Hope that’s ok.

Lord, please be with this courageous woman reading this today. Although you know her needs and worries, I hope she takes the time to say the words and give them to you. Put your hands on her shoulders today and be with her every step of the way. Remind her you are there in the midst of the hard, the suffering and the mundane. The work she does lord does not go unnoticed. I pray that whatever she is needing a sign of for today that she sees you. Send her a sign that it will all be okay and that your will is for her, you want to bless her. I lift whatever she carries that she doesn't speak of up to you today and pray you meet her where she is in this season currently. Lord she wants to seek you, she wants to dig into her faith. Please be there as she tries to do so.


Ordinary work is in fact ordained by god.


Grace on the farm wife forefront.