Farm Wife Guru

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Grace on the farm wife forefront.

I had to help my husband put in a hydraulic pump on one of our chain floor trailers last year.

Here is what I noticed: it was hot as sin, the flies were trying to eat us alive, it was an annoying but needed task and it was a rude reminder to me that I do not know what he goes through in a day before he gets home at night.

Some nights he eats his supper from the microwave warmed up long after we have went to bed. Some nights he is short and just wants to be to himself. Some nights he invites us for sprinkler checks. And most nights I forget to offer him GRACE. The truth is I do not know what he goes through everyday to maintain equipment, guide employees, run a business from an equipment seat on his phone and frankly how he is truly handling it all. And that is where I need to remember to always offer him more grace in the busy times. Sometimes I want to choose anger or hurt feelings. It’s my reminder today and maybe one for you too to choose grace for this person you love.

Grace for the unknown of their day, of what they endured, what they don’t talk about and for what they do. This life farming is not for the faint of heart, and no matter how hard you try challenges arise EVERY SINGLE DAY. Some day we can handle them better than others. And I know that home is the one place to come to escape it all. And that is where my job as his wife and homemaker shines. A warm meal, a clean home, grace. Things I can control for him. So remember friend, even in the midst of this hard season of busy to offer some grace to the person walking in the door at night. I would like to extend this to our kiddos too as they enter home after a long day, using their minds. Don’t forget their little souls and bodies are tired when they enter home a blazing after school.

He is farming for you. The work and long hours, the unknown they endure, it is for us.

Life is hard. But having a little grace with yourself and those around you can go a long way.

“When you live with grace and gratitude, happiness enters your life.”