Resentment for the Farm

11 years ago I resented this farm. I didn’t feel needed or seen. But really it was my attitude and un willingness to learn. What a blessing to learn it was!

When I married Bart I didn’t know the first thing about a farm. About animals or about how to be a farm wife let alone a farmer
I didn’t let my self feel like there was a spot for me or that I deserved a role in our operation and that made me resent agriculture for being uneducated
Oh how wrong I was. The day I said yes to learning, opening myself up to failing forward and asking questions is the day I fell in love with Agriculture and our farm life
Don’t ever think there isn’t a spot for you or that you can’t have a role on your operation, it sure may look different than other farms but envracey the role you find
If this girl who came in knowing nothing can do it, so can you my friend so can you! 🤟🏻🚜

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